[AWS Amplify] ログイン画面を日本語化する

2021-04-12AWS Amplify,IT記事AWS Amplify,Vue.js



npm install @aws-amplify-jp/vocabulary-ja

importします。(typescriptなら、const ja = require(“@aws-amplify-jp/vocabulary-ja");

import { I18n } from "aws-amplify";
import { Translations } from "@aws-amplify/ui-components";
import ja from "@aws-amplify-jp/vocabulary-ja";

I18n.putVocabulariesForLanguage("ja-JP", ja(Translations));

(2021/04/12 追記) 以下からはアップデートで対応されています。する必要はないです。一応残しておきます。



export const messages = {
  "ja-JP": {
    "1 validation error detected: Value at 'password' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must have length greater than or equal to 6":
    "2 validation errors detected: Value at 'password' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must have length greater than or equal to 6; Value at 'password' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: ^[\\S]+.*[\\S]+$":
    "Account recovery requires verified contact information":
    "An account with the given email already exists.":
    "Custom auth lambda trigger is not configured for the user pool.":
    "Cannot reset password for the user as there is no registered/verified email or phone_number":
    "Incorrect username or password.": "ユーザー名またはパスワードが異なります",
    "Invalid password format": "パスワードのフォーマットが無効です",
    "Invalid verification code provided, please try again.":
    "Password cannot be empty": "パスワードを入力してください",
    "Password did not conform with policy: Password not long enough":
    "User does not exist": "ユーザーが存在しません",
    "User does not exist.": "ユーザーが存在しません",
    "Username cannot be empty": "ユーザー名を入力してください",


import { I18n } from "aws-amplify";
import { Translations } from "@aws-amplify/ui-components";
const ja = require("@aws-amplify-jp/vocabulary-ja");

import { messages } from "./formMessage";

I18n.putVocabulariesForLanguage("ja-JP", ja(Translations));
